Monday, November 9, 2009


at last...aku skunk da bergelar alumni unisel 2009...
bermakne aku bukan lg pemegang kad pelajar unisel..
da x valid lg tok kegunaan mendapatkn discount kt mane2..hahahaha

1st Nov 2009..
hari yg paling aku tunggu selame 3 taun bertungkus lumus tok dptkn 'sehelai' ijazah..(scroll skunk da x gulung2 k)...
selame 3 taun aku da blaja n menempuh mcm2 dugaan yg alhamdulillah aku berjaye lalui..
aku bersyukur sgt pada yg ATAS,parents aku n xpecially to my peeps yg sentiase ade ms aku susah n tolong aku tok survive slame 3 taun nih..

ms konvo sgt best coz aku dpt jumpe ngn member2 ms study ..
da lm x kumpul2 rmi2 mgm my peeps..xpecially fizan yg dok jauh kt miri 2..
tp sedey coz 1 of our member x dpt konvo sm...(to intan,time ko konvo nti we ols sure dtg ok..jgn sedey2 tau..sayang ko!)
ntah bl lg la dpt kumpul rmi2 mcm nih..
msg2 da bz keje..hmm,pape pown make sure jgn lost contact ok..

Adik2 aku yg convo belah petang...aku konvo time pg..kuar dewan jew panas tahap x dew amik pic byk sgt...
nti aku akn update pic2 konvo aku dgn jubah segale..
ngh proses mgedit pic2 itew..hahahaha

Thursday, November 5, 2009



Wednesday, October 21, 2009

blury mind~~~

halluu my blog!!!
lame da x update n x jenguk blog nih..
bkn sbb x dew ms..
tp x dew citer best nk post..
kehidupan pas prctikal nih sgt bowsan coz katenyew nk rest n enjoy puas2 kn..
so makan,tido n merayau jew la rutin harian nih..hahahaha

cannot wait coz dis end of this month aku akan convo..
hasil penat lelah slame 3 taun kt unisel..
da lame x kumpul ngn member study...
so time konvo nih la nk survey latest2 gosip n nk tgk sp yg da gigih start keje..huhuhuh
tgk2 aku jew yg dok mls nk keje
aku bkn ape,klu ati nih still rs x nk keje lg,baik aku jgn keje dl
klu x sure x dew semangat nk keje..x psl2 br smgu keje da kene pecat..
tp x dew la smpi setaun aku nk relax..
pas konvo nti aku akn bersungguh attend interview n crk keje..
harap2 de la peluang keje aku kt lua 2...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

raya datang lagi!!!






Saturday, September 12, 2009

boke pose wif my kazen

hmm..cedey la da x dok umh my aunt lg..
3 bln aku dok gn dorg best sgt
lg2 ngn kazen aku kak ya..
we ols mmg 1 kapla..lg2 bab merayau n mkn..muahahahaha
time pose nih we ols smpat boke kt lua sm2 2x..
both at klcc..
1st time we ols g secret recepi then kt A&W

Nih my fav kt secret 2..chiken courdoe and aku opcoz akn add buter rice die..huuhu

sakan naa fav ice blanded mocha n oreo cheese cake..yg bestnyew..kt secret nih klu buke akn dpt free sirap,kurma n kepok..huhuhu

kak ya ngh menikmati fav die..lp plak die mkn pe ari 2..hhaahha

gigih aku nk mghabisknnyew..haahha..chiken cordou wif cheese..yummyyy

last week plak we ols buke kt A&W klcc...
org pown x rmi sgt buke kt c2..
2 pown we ols terase nk mkn wafel n mnm float die + kak ya kt nk yg murah jew buke coz nk bajet tok raye..
tp yg ADO!
pas mkn2 we ols g crk mkn lg k..
beli mcm2...same jew blanjew mcm mkn kt restsurant bese k..

ayam goreng rs cm c best..mmg x best curly fries still my fav...wahhh...x saba nk cny nih..tgu mcd pny twister fries plak...agagagaga

rootbeer cream da nk cair..huuuhu

licin abis k all d foods pas buke 2...hahahahha..

well...mmg best konsep boke ngn kazen aku nh coz we ols sm2 suke mkn

p/s:kak ya...duit mkn2 nih lp nk bayar..konsep blanjew ke ttp nk claim nih???hahahahah

Thursday, September 10, 2009


at last..
2day is my last day to be an intern..
the day dat i been waiting since last 3month..
a bit sad because i've learn so many things along 3 month been working here..
thanx to all colleuge especially to my supervisor..
well...pasni aku officially become unemployed person..
well i think after raye i will start my job hunter..
nk enjoy puas2 dl..heheheh
then br menghambe abdikn diri nih tok kejew n kumpul harte sebanyak yg bole..
hope my way will be easy to achieve ape yg aku impikan slame nih..
P/s:arini nk g boke pose ngn member2 opis..hmm,,nk boke mn erk??

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


dis week aku sik ngntok jew kt opis nih..
cuace pown sik mendung n ujan..
wa..sgt best if berade atas katil smbil beselimut..muahahaha
lunch hour nih aku mls nk wt kejew coz arini nk blk lewat ckt coz plan ngn kazen aku nk buke kt KLCC jew..
so aku rest time lunch hour nih..
ayooo..rmai staff letak kuih raye kt opis nih..
br 2 weeks pose da melambak kueh raye kt opis nih..
tp 1 pown aku x pt rase..(wajar kah aku bungkus sm jenis cookies 2 bwk blk tok dirase???)hahahaha
last tuesday, akak kt opis nih blnjew aku mkn kt litle penang kt klcc..
makacih bebanyak..
akak opis aku nih mmg slalu blnjew aku..
almaklum la aku tgl seminggu jew kt opis nih..
x sabar nk abis prctikal nih..
pasnih aku nk relax2 n enjoy kaw2..
da puas nti br start job hunter..
p/s:last wekend buke n hangout rmai2 with my peeps..sgt2 besh..pic2 sm tgu mijot send..tunggu...