Sunday, July 26, 2009

monday blues...

not in good mud today..(huh..memanjg x dew mud aku nih kn)..
wekend yg sewonok tapi memenatkan..
remembered the last post yg aku akn blk kampung aku kt perak 4 kenduri??
yezza..aku blk kampg last wekend..
makan jew keje aku wekend nih..
ntah bp kilo aku naek..(merasela coz melantak x hengat donia kn)
aku de snappy2 pic2 'nasik ambang' seperti yg dijanji kan..
tp aku post laen kl coz pic2 2 sm dlm camere kazen aku...
bl aku da dpt pic2 2 aku post secepat mgkin..
aku kt opis nih sik rase ngantok jew dr pg td
wekend yg x cukup tok tido kaw2..
slalunyew aku gunekan wekend tok tdo puas2..
but dis wekend akunyew tdo lite2 ajork..
kene mggigihkan diri bgn awal coz nk tlg2 msk mase knduri..
esoknyew plak igt nk tdo lm ckt tapi tebantut coz ank2 kazen aku da dok berlari riang sekeliling umah sambil membuat haruk yg mmbuatkan aku tb2 mmpi ngeri n tros x blh tdo lg..
malam nih aku akan gighkan diri tok start wt projk paper...
mgu nih aku nk discuss isi2 projk paper aku ngn supervisor aku coz die skunk x dew idea lgsg sal report aku nih..
nti bl lecturer aku dtg nti n tny die..naye jew bl die blur kan...
so till next post...chow!
p/s:cube teke cn rupe 'nasik ambang' n lauk2 yg mghiasi nsik 2..hahahaha

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

God!!!help me!!!

aku jiwe kacau skunk..
ni akibat dr suke menagguh keje(amalan yg x harus dicontohi..)
lecturer supervisor aku call semalam kompemkan date die nk dtg opis tgk presentation aku
aku da la lom start pape g
tajok pown blom ade
bl aku tanyew supervisor aku,die suh staff kt cni tlg aku wat
tp masing2 tiap2 mase bz
cn lak aku nk mntk tlg dorg???

matila aku!!!
nk mntk tlg mmber,masing2 ngh dok pulun wt report dorg
so nk mntk tlg sp???
aku nk mntk tlg yg kt ATAS supaye ksk aku idea yg kaw2 tok wt report aku 2..
so start mlm nih..
aku nk mgfokuskan n mgabdikan diri aku nih kt projek paper aku..
6 credit hour 2..
harus aku score coz nk chantekkan ckt pointer aku yg mmg sedie x chantek 2

da nk g lunch da..
de akak opis nih nk blnjew aku..

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

tagged by my kazen...

'Barangan Perapian Diri".....

Aiyohhh...mcm bnyk jew nk kene tls..


- gune produk avon dr dulu lg...dari sabun muke,scrup,toner n daily cream....sgt bagus coz de bukti kn kulit aku sntiase suci n murni..hahahaha..sometimes aku gn gak toner nivea...

- for make up...aiseh..banyak nih...coz aku suke cube byk2,loreal n maybelline...concealer from elianto..compact powder maybelline,silkygirl or Za...blusher silkygirl n maybelline..lipstics or lipgloss from silkygirl,maybelline,elianto,loreal,revlon..eye liner from silkygirl..mascara from elianto n maybelline..eyesshadow from maybelline...(budget pny product..hahahaha


- aku nih de sgt cerewet bab pick jenis syampoo..da mcm2 product aku cb..rs2nyew sm produk aku da try...plg latest,skunk aku gune sunsilk anti-dandruff caler blue with the conditioner...

- if aku rs nk keraskn or nk mnvolumekn rambut aku nih, aku gn loreal valume(slalu gune if sikat ilang)..huhuhu


- aku suke tukar2 body long wangi n melembutkan kulit,aku on aku prefer yg berunsurkn milk n ylang ylang...the smell can makes me very relaxing..

-scrup aku gune body shop pny..strawbery flavor..huhuhuhu..

- tok lotion plak..aku gn johnson baby supaye kulit aku cn baby..ahaks...n aku gune gak lotion elianto flavor tea coz sometimes kulit aku kering...

-deadoran plak aku gune nivea or rexona..both are spray deadoran..huhuhu...


-aku suke caler2 nail aku..huhuhu..slalunyew aku gune elianto coz ceaper n aku blh try sume caler..huhuhuh


-My fav is nina ricci..the botle is so damn cute...sometimes i used paris hilton n ngh kmpul duit nk bl new DKNY...aku sk smell yg fresh like fruity or flowers..huhuhuhu

huh...penet nk mnjawabnyew...
skunk aku nk tag my darl..chapik..
aku nk tau brg2 perapian die lg byk dr aku or x...

Monday, July 13, 2009


last saturday,my family buat knduri tahlil n doa selamat..
so all my entire family from my both parent side was attend..
sangat meriah coz aku da lm x jmp my relative..
yg klakanyew auntie2 n uncle2 aku sm dok kate da mcm pra wedding da..
aku tau masing2 dok perli aku la 2..
sowi erk...
dgn slumber aku kuar statement.."slagi sayer lom kumpul harte sendiri..
no majlis2 seumpama 2 dlm ms terdekat nih yek.."
sangat meriah juadah2 yg my mom msk..
includung kuih2 yg org bwk...
tapi yg menyampahnyew..aku x dpt menikmati sepenuhnyew coz selseme aku lom elok g
so sm mkanan yg aku mkn,x dork rase..
hampeh jew....rugi aku x pt mkn byk2..
ahad petang 2 aku 4low skali my aunt blk kl..
sian family aku kn kemas2..
naseb baik la da byk bnd da clear coz aunt2 aku rajin2..
oleh kerane aku x puas mkn masakkan my mom ari2..
aku rs nk blk wekend nih n suh my mom msk sdp2..
really miss her cook damn much...
next 2 weeks plak de knduri kt kampung aku kt Perak..
hmm,my late grandmom dl orang jawa..
so my dad de darah jawa..
my aunt gtau die nk wt 'nasik ambang'...
traditional dishes..
so pade sape2 yg x tau cn nasik ambang 2..
wait till the next post..
aku akn postkn pic2 nasik ambang 2...
p/s:kompiden jew nk post 'nasik ambang' 2 walaupon x sure g nk blk kmpung or x...hahahahaha

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

transfomers again????

aku nk g tgk transfomers 4 d 2nd time...
tp sik full house jew..
bl la aku dpt tgk lg nih???

ms 1st time ari2 aku dpt tgk premier kt sunway..
thanks 2 chapik 4 d free tix..
aku g 4 org dengan officemate chapik..aizat n ayu...(u ols cool dude!)
punye lah xcited nk tgk premier 2 walaupon msg2 dlm wallet tgl bp hinnget jew..
the movie was very owesome!!
the sound was superb n we just cant wait 4 3rd transfomers!!!!

Here the premier tix..

p/s: chapik...klu de tix premier lebey tok harry potter ajk la aku...hahahahahaha

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Good Bye M.J....

12am,8th July...
all people around the world was give the last honor to our king of pop,
he will always be a number 1 and will never been forgotten..
RIP 4 him...
here are some pic of the touch moment at the funeral ceremony...
M.J's doughter and son.....
The most touching moments..the brother give a last word to M.J...
"I'll be there"..the best and touching song....
M.J's family hugs after the ceremony..tears of losing their 'son,brother and father'....

The last moment for M.J.....

Monday, July 6, 2009


I've got fever and bad flu last 2 days....

very2 not in good mood..huhuhu..

hope i will recover soon...
P/s: sape nk tlg aku crk tajok tok report aku?????..blur...