hmm..cedey la da x dok umh my aunt lg..
3 bln aku dok gn dorg best sgt
lg2 ngn kazen aku kak ya..
we ols mmg 1 kapla..lg2 bab merayau n mkn..muahahahaha
time pose nih we ols smpat boke kt lua sm2 2x..
both at klcc..
1st time we ols g secret recepi then kt A&W

Nih my fav kt secret 2..chiken courdoe and aku opcoz akn add buter rice die..huuhu

sakan naa fav ice blanded mocha n oreo cheese cake..yg bestnyew..kt secret nih klu buke akn dpt free sirap,kurma n kepok..huhuhu

kak ya ngh menikmati fav die..lp plak die mkn pe ari 2..hhaahha

gigih aku nk mghabisknnyew..haahha..chiken cordou wif cheese..yummyyy
last week plak we ols buke kt A&W klcc...
org pown x rmi sgt buke kt c2..
2 pown we ols terase nk mkn wafel n mnm float die + kak ya kt nk yg murah jew buke coz nk bajet tok raye..
tp yg ADO!
pas mkn2 we ols g crk mkn lg k..
beli mcm2...same jew blanjew mcm mkn kt restsurant bese k..

ayam goreng rs cm c best..mmg x best curly fries still my fav...wahhh...x saba nk cny nih..tgu mcd pny twister fries plak...agagagaga

rootbeer cream da nk cair..huuuhu

licin abis k all d foods pas buke 2...hahahahha..
well...mmg best konsep boke ngn kazen aku nh coz we ols sm2 suke mkn
p/s:kak ya...duit mkn2 nih lp nk bayar..konsep blanjew ke ttp nk claim nih???hahahahah
3 bln aku dok gn dorg best sgt
lg2 ngn kazen aku kak ya..
we ols mmg 1 kapla..lg2 bab merayau n mkn..muahahahaha
time pose nih we ols smpat boke kt lua sm2 2x..
both at klcc..
1st time we ols g secret recepi then kt A&W

Nih my fav kt secret 2..chiken courdoe and aku opcoz akn add buter rice die..huuhu

sakan naa fav ice blanded mocha n oreo cheese cake..yg bestnyew..kt secret nih klu buke akn dpt free sirap,kurma n kepok..huhuhu

kak ya ngh menikmati fav die..lp plak die mkn pe ari 2..hhaahha

gigih aku nk mghabisknnyew..haahha..chiken cordou wif cheese..yummyyy
last week plak we ols buke kt A&W klcc...
org pown x rmi sgt buke kt c2..
2 pown we ols terase nk mkn wafel n mnm float die + kak ya kt nk yg murah jew buke coz nk bajet tok raye..
tp yg ADO!
pas mkn2 we ols g crk mkn lg k..
beli mcm2...same jew blanjew mcm mkn kt restsurant bese k..

ayam goreng rs cm c best..mmg x best curly fries still my fav...wahhh...x saba nk cny nih..tgu mcd pny twister fries plak...agagagaga

rootbeer cream da nk cair..huuuhu

licin abis k all d foods pas buke 2...hahahahha..
well...mmg best konsep boke ngn kazen aku nh coz we ols sm2 suke mkn
p/s:kak ya...duit mkn2 nih lp nk bayar..konsep blanjew ke ttp nk claim nih???hahahahah
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