awat aku mls sangat nkstudy nih??
da la paper esowk susah gler..
5 chapter lak 2 kene cover..
hmm,da last sem ni,mood study da kurang
dlm pale otak ni just ank abis cepat, then MERDEKA!!!
i just can't wait for that moment...
nak pecah lobang nok2 nih..
nk mintak maap kt mber2 coz blom tentu jmp lg pasni..
(da mcm ari ghaye plak)..
ayooo..rase ngntok plak tetiber coz br pas brekfast+lunch+diner..
mls nk g bl mkn,aku msk arini..
yeah!i love cooking..
but lately jrg giler2 masak coz dont have enough time
arini terase nk mkn msk kmpg
aku msk ikan bilis goreng cili api cmpur kentang
peerrggghhh..terangkat abis coz PEDAS GILER!!!
cian aku tgk housemate aku mnikmati kelazatan smbil nangis kepedasan..

awat aku mls sangat nkstudy nih??
da la paper esowk susah gler..
5 chapter lak 2 kene cover..
hmm,da last sem ni,mood study da kurang
dlm pale otak ni just ank abis cepat, then MERDEKA!!!
i just can't wait for that moment...
nak pecah lobang nok2 nih..
nk mintak maap kt mber2 coz blom tentu jmp lg pasni..
(da mcm ari ghaye plak)..
ayooo..rase ngntok plak tetiber coz br pas brekfast+lunch+diner..
mls nk g bl mkn,aku msk arini..
yeah!i love cooking..
but lately jrg giler2 masak coz dont have enough time
arini terase nk mkn msk kmpg
aku msk ikan bilis goreng cili api cmpur kentang
peerrggghhh..terangkat abis coz PEDAS GILER!!!
cian aku tgk housemate aku mnikmati kelazatan smbil nangis kepedasan..

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