Monday, November 9, 2009


at last...aku skunk da bergelar alumni unisel 2009...
bermakne aku bukan lg pemegang kad pelajar unisel..
da x valid lg tok kegunaan mendapatkn discount kt mane2..hahahaha

1st Nov 2009..
hari yg paling aku tunggu selame 3 taun bertungkus lumus tok dptkn 'sehelai' ijazah..(scroll skunk da x gulung2 k)...
selame 3 taun aku da blaja n menempuh mcm2 dugaan yg alhamdulillah aku berjaye lalui..
aku bersyukur sgt pada yg ATAS,parents aku n xpecially to my peeps yg sentiase ade ms aku susah n tolong aku tok survive slame 3 taun nih..

ms konvo sgt best coz aku dpt jumpe ngn member2 ms study ..
da lm x kumpul2 rmi2 mgm my peeps..xpecially fizan yg dok jauh kt miri 2..
tp sedey coz 1 of our member x dpt konvo sm...(to intan,time ko konvo nti we ols sure dtg ok..jgn sedey2 tau..sayang ko!)
ntah bl lg la dpt kumpul rmi2 mcm nih..
msg2 da bz keje..hmm,pape pown make sure jgn lost contact ok..

Adik2 aku yg convo belah petang...aku konvo time pg..kuar dewan jew panas tahap x dew amik pic byk sgt...
nti aku akn update pic2 konvo aku dgn jubah segale..
ngh proses mgedit pic2 itew..hahahaha

Thursday, November 5, 2009



Wednesday, October 21, 2009

blury mind~~~

halluu my blog!!!
lame da x update n x jenguk blog nih..
bkn sbb x dew ms..
tp x dew citer best nk post..
kehidupan pas prctikal nih sgt bowsan coz katenyew nk rest n enjoy puas2 kn..
so makan,tido n merayau jew la rutin harian nih..hahahaha

cannot wait coz dis end of this month aku akan convo..
hasil penat lelah slame 3 taun kt unisel..
da lame x kumpul ngn member study...
so time konvo nih la nk survey latest2 gosip n nk tgk sp yg da gigih start keje..huhuhuh
tgk2 aku jew yg dok mls nk keje
aku bkn ape,klu ati nih still rs x nk keje lg,baik aku jgn keje dl
klu x sure x dew semangat nk keje..x psl2 br smgu keje da kene pecat..
tp x dew la smpi setaun aku nk relax..
pas konvo nti aku akn bersungguh attend interview n crk keje..
harap2 de la peluang keje aku kt lua 2...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

raya datang lagi!!!






Saturday, September 12, 2009

boke pose wif my kazen

hmm..cedey la da x dok umh my aunt lg..
3 bln aku dok gn dorg best sgt
lg2 ngn kazen aku kak ya..
we ols mmg 1 kapla..lg2 bab merayau n mkn..muahahahaha
time pose nih we ols smpat boke kt lua sm2 2x..
both at klcc..
1st time we ols g secret recepi then kt A&W

Nih my fav kt secret 2..chiken courdoe and aku opcoz akn add buter rice die..huuhu

sakan naa fav ice blanded mocha n oreo cheese cake..yg bestnyew..kt secret nih klu buke akn dpt free sirap,kurma n kepok..huhuhu

kak ya ngh menikmati fav die..lp plak die mkn pe ari 2..hhaahha

gigih aku nk mghabisknnyew..haahha..chiken cordou wif cheese..yummyyy

last week plak we ols buke kt A&W klcc...
org pown x rmi sgt buke kt c2..
2 pown we ols terase nk mkn wafel n mnm float die + kak ya kt nk yg murah jew buke coz nk bajet tok raye..
tp yg ADO!
pas mkn2 we ols g crk mkn lg k..
beli mcm2...same jew blanjew mcm mkn kt restsurant bese k..

ayam goreng rs cm c best..mmg x best curly fries still my fav...wahhh...x saba nk cny nih..tgu mcd pny twister fries plak...agagagaga

rootbeer cream da nk cair..huuuhu

licin abis k all d foods pas buke 2...hahahahha..

well...mmg best konsep boke ngn kazen aku nh coz we ols sm2 suke mkn

p/s:kak ya...duit mkn2 nih lp nk bayar..konsep blanjew ke ttp nk claim nih???hahahahah

Thursday, September 10, 2009


at last..
2day is my last day to be an intern..
the day dat i been waiting since last 3month..
a bit sad because i've learn so many things along 3 month been working here..
thanx to all colleuge especially to my supervisor..
well...pasni aku officially become unemployed person..
well i think after raye i will start my job hunter..
nk enjoy puas2 dl..heheheh
then br menghambe abdikn diri nih tok kejew n kumpul harte sebanyak yg bole..
hope my way will be easy to achieve ape yg aku impikan slame nih..
P/s:arini nk g boke pose ngn member2 opis..hmm,,nk boke mn erk??

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


dis week aku sik ngntok jew kt opis nih..
cuace pown sik mendung n ujan..
wa..sgt best if berade atas katil smbil beselimut..muahahaha
lunch hour nih aku mls nk wt kejew coz arini nk blk lewat ckt coz plan ngn kazen aku nk buke kt KLCC jew..
so aku rest time lunch hour nih..
ayooo..rmai staff letak kuih raye kt opis nih..
br 2 weeks pose da melambak kueh raye kt opis nih..
tp 1 pown aku x pt rase..(wajar kah aku bungkus sm jenis cookies 2 bwk blk tok dirase???)hahahaha
last tuesday, akak kt opis nih blnjew aku mkn kt litle penang kt klcc..
makacih bebanyak..
akak opis aku nih mmg slalu blnjew aku..
almaklum la aku tgl seminggu jew kt opis nih..
x sabar nk abis prctikal nih..
pasnih aku nk relax2 n enjoy kaw2..
da puas nti br start job hunter..
p/s:last wekend buke n hangout rmai2 with my peeps..sgt2 besh..pic2 sm tgu mijot send..tunggu...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

the moment...

yey!!!cant wait for next 2 weeks..
im gonna finish my internship n insyaallah i will convo next october...
the new chapter of my life will start..
job hunter..muahahaha...
so today da msk hari ke-6 pose..
so far x dork bocor lg..
bln pose nih insyaallah nk tingkatkn lg amalan rohaniahku..hahahaha
al maklum la..kan bulan yg mulie nih afdal kepade bnd2 yg berbenttuk rohaniah..hahahaha
hmm,maybe dis wekend plan nk buke ramai2 ngn my peeps..
cant wait for that coz da lm x kumpul rmi..
windu sgt kt dorg..
then akan tros celebrate for merdeka..
ayoo..motip sgt nk celebrate segale time2 bln pose ni kn..
huhuhuhu~no komen~...
p/s:br teringat yg blom post pic2 kenduri nasik ambang kn..nanti2 lah!hahahaha

Friday, August 21, 2009

pose..jangan x pose...



Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Hillary Swank & Gerard Butler...

Touching moment..nanges tau..

Goshh!!realy like him!!

dis my fav movie..
very touching..siap aku simpan dlm laptop aku..
siap aku berebut gerard butler nih ngn bestfwen fika..huhuhu
rating aku kasik 4 1/2 over 5..
aku nk beli buku die plak coz ngh nk melatih diri slalu membace..
hmm...sp aku nk rompak nih coz aku ngh broke skunk..hahahaha

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


last friday aku wt presentation dpn academic n industrial supervisor aku..
yg bestnyew aku start wt reserch 2 2 days b4 fresent
mmg sah2 la reserch aku yg ado kn klu wt 2 ari jew
so aku kene re-do blk report aku 2
siot jew
tp mmg salah aku la kn coz wt lambat2..
so the next report aku kene submit this thursday
tapi x wat pape g..'
sgt x belajar dr kesilapan aku nih..
so mlm nih kene start al coz sal company sume aku da siap
just sal projek aku nih jew..
supervisor aku suh wt bnd yg aku biase wt kt opis nih
so aku buat sal 'stock balance'...
tiap2 awal bulan aku kene ckecking stock balance client company n dr broker..
aku kene check unit,sell n buy trnsaction n stock renounciation..
so skunk aku de idea nk wt cn report aku 2 berbanding ari 2 yg aku buat ala2 kadar jew..
so hope report aku kali nih succes n diterime spvisor aku..
then skunk just countdown prctikal aku nih habis..
p/s:miss ms blaja dl2..benci kejew!huhuhu

Sunday, August 9, 2009


'God gave u them shoes
to fit u
so put them on n wear them n be urself
be proud of who u are..even if its sound corny
don't ever let no one to tell u
u ain't beutiful'

tagged lagik...

aku ditagged lg oleh kazen tau kak ya ni..

1 - Nama timangan anda?
family- along

2 - Anda seorang yg.....?
giler2 rumaje..degil..suke becakap..happy go lucky..suke makan..suke hangout..suke cookin..suke bgn tdo lambat..suke g erk??

3 - Insan yang teristimewa?

my peeps..

4 - Lagu kesukaan?

banyak yg paling2 suke..i'm surrender by celine dion..feelin abis..hahahah

5 - Makanan kesukaan?

Chicken..hahahaha..sangat suke mkn ayam.dats why badan 'cute' macam nih..hahahaha..also very like bnd yg berasaskn cheese..

6 - Sikap yang membuat anda stress?

keje lembab n kene tunggu orang...aaisshhh

7 - Warna kegemaran?

8 - Benda yang mesti ada dlm beg? up da blh agak la besa mcm mn beg aku 2..huuhuh

9 - Kali terakhir anda menanges?

x hengat la...jarang nanges..huhuhu

10 - Tag untuk 6 rakan anda?

sape2 yg rajin....

Monday, August 3, 2009


aku ngh mengadap pc kt opis nih sampil menyedut ABC yg sgt sejokkkk...
org kt opis nih sume selubung coz air-cond arini ditahap sejuk melampau..
tapi aku maintain jew mkn ABC nih..
dis week aku agak ting tong akibat dr memikirkan report aku yg still x dew kesudahan episodnyew..
da smpai tahap msk mmpi da dok pikir..
tadi aku da call supervisor aku.
tanye btol2 cane die nk bentuk rupe report aku 2
baik aku tny coz pointer aku sem nih terletak dlm gengagamn die..huhuhuhu
so die kt nk bnd yg simple n yg paling penting,aku paham pe yg aku buat 2
aku wt pengakuan jujur ikhlas yg aku mmg x dew xperience buat projk paper segale nih
bdk2 kos laen sm de projk paper ms last sem
so sng sikit dorg nk buat n ade idea..
yg kos aku dok tekial2 nk buat..hampeh jew..
presentation aku nanti 14hb bersamaan jumaat mgu depan..
nebes die toksah la tny..
so dis week jugak aku kene inform supervisor aku ape yg aku buat
wish me luck supaye angan2 n impian tok dpt pointer yg chantek menjadi kenyataan..amin..

Sunday, July 26, 2009

monday blues...

not in good mud today..(huh..memanjg x dew mud aku nih kn)..
wekend yg sewonok tapi memenatkan..
remembered the last post yg aku akn blk kampung aku kt perak 4 kenduri??
yezza..aku blk kampg last wekend..
makan jew keje aku wekend nih..
ntah bp kilo aku naek..(merasela coz melantak x hengat donia kn)
aku de snappy2 pic2 'nasik ambang' seperti yg dijanji kan..
tp aku post laen kl coz pic2 2 sm dlm camere kazen aku...
bl aku da dpt pic2 2 aku post secepat mgkin..
aku kt opis nih sik rase ngantok jew dr pg td
wekend yg x cukup tok tido kaw2..
slalunyew aku gunekan wekend tok tdo puas2..
but dis wekend akunyew tdo lite2 ajork..
kene mggigihkan diri bgn awal coz nk tlg2 msk mase knduri..
esoknyew plak igt nk tdo lm ckt tapi tebantut coz ank2 kazen aku da dok berlari riang sekeliling umah sambil membuat haruk yg mmbuatkan aku tb2 mmpi ngeri n tros x blh tdo lg..
malam nih aku akan gighkan diri tok start wt projk paper...
mgu nih aku nk discuss isi2 projk paper aku ngn supervisor aku coz die skunk x dew idea lgsg sal report aku nih..
nti bl lecturer aku dtg nti n tny die..naye jew bl die blur kan...
so till next post...chow!
p/s:cube teke cn rupe 'nasik ambang' n lauk2 yg mghiasi nsik 2..hahahaha

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

God!!!help me!!!

aku jiwe kacau skunk..
ni akibat dr suke menagguh keje(amalan yg x harus dicontohi..)
lecturer supervisor aku call semalam kompemkan date die nk dtg opis tgk presentation aku
aku da la lom start pape g
tajok pown blom ade
bl aku tanyew supervisor aku,die suh staff kt cni tlg aku wat
tp masing2 tiap2 mase bz
cn lak aku nk mntk tlg dorg???

matila aku!!!
nk mntk tlg mmber,masing2 ngh dok pulun wt report dorg
so nk mntk tlg sp???
aku nk mntk tlg yg kt ATAS supaye ksk aku idea yg kaw2 tok wt report aku 2..
so start mlm nih..
aku nk mgfokuskan n mgabdikan diri aku nih kt projek paper aku..
6 credit hour 2..
harus aku score coz nk chantekkan ckt pointer aku yg mmg sedie x chantek 2

da nk g lunch da..
de akak opis nih nk blnjew aku..

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

tagged by my kazen...

'Barangan Perapian Diri".....

Aiyohhh...mcm bnyk jew nk kene tls..


- gune produk avon dr dulu lg...dari sabun muke,scrup,toner n daily cream....sgt bagus coz de bukti kn kulit aku sntiase suci n murni..hahahaha..sometimes aku gn gak toner nivea...

- for make up...aiseh..banyak nih...coz aku suke cube byk2,loreal n maybelline...concealer from elianto..compact powder maybelline,silkygirl or Za...blusher silkygirl n maybelline..lipstics or lipgloss from silkygirl,maybelline,elianto,loreal,revlon..eye liner from silkygirl..mascara from elianto n maybelline..eyesshadow from maybelline...(budget pny product..hahahaha


- aku nih de sgt cerewet bab pick jenis syampoo..da mcm2 product aku cb..rs2nyew sm produk aku da try...plg latest,skunk aku gune sunsilk anti-dandruff caler blue with the conditioner...

- if aku rs nk keraskn or nk mnvolumekn rambut aku nih, aku gn loreal valume(slalu gune if sikat ilang)..huhuhu


- aku suke tukar2 body long wangi n melembutkan kulit,aku on aku prefer yg berunsurkn milk n ylang ylang...the smell can makes me very relaxing..

-scrup aku gune body shop pny..strawbery flavor..huhuhuhu..

- tok lotion plak..aku gn johnson baby supaye kulit aku cn baby..ahaks...n aku gune gak lotion elianto flavor tea coz sometimes kulit aku kering...

-deadoran plak aku gune nivea or rexona..both are spray deadoran..huhuhu...


-aku suke caler2 nail aku..huhuhu..slalunyew aku gune elianto coz ceaper n aku blh try sume caler..huhuhuh


-My fav is nina ricci..the botle is so damn cute...sometimes i used paris hilton n ngh kmpul duit nk bl new DKNY...aku sk smell yg fresh like fruity or flowers..huhuhuhu

huh...penet nk mnjawabnyew...
skunk aku nk tag my darl..chapik..
aku nk tau brg2 perapian die lg byk dr aku or x...

Monday, July 13, 2009


last saturday,my family buat knduri tahlil n doa selamat..
so all my entire family from my both parent side was attend..
sangat meriah coz aku da lm x jmp my relative..
yg klakanyew auntie2 n uncle2 aku sm dok kate da mcm pra wedding da..
aku tau masing2 dok perli aku la 2..
sowi erk...
dgn slumber aku kuar statement.."slagi sayer lom kumpul harte sendiri..
no majlis2 seumpama 2 dlm ms terdekat nih yek.."
sangat meriah juadah2 yg my mom msk..
includung kuih2 yg org bwk...
tapi yg menyampahnyew..aku x dpt menikmati sepenuhnyew coz selseme aku lom elok g
so sm mkanan yg aku mkn,x dork rase..
hampeh jew....rugi aku x pt mkn byk2..
ahad petang 2 aku 4low skali my aunt blk kl..
sian family aku kn kemas2..
naseb baik la da byk bnd da clear coz aunt2 aku rajin2..
oleh kerane aku x puas mkn masakkan my mom ari2..
aku rs nk blk wekend nih n suh my mom msk sdp2..
really miss her cook damn much...
next 2 weeks plak de knduri kt kampung aku kt Perak..
hmm,my late grandmom dl orang jawa..
so my dad de darah jawa..
my aunt gtau die nk wt 'nasik ambang'...
traditional dishes..
so pade sape2 yg x tau cn nasik ambang 2..
wait till the next post..
aku akn postkn pic2 nasik ambang 2...
p/s:kompiden jew nk post 'nasik ambang' 2 walaupon x sure g nk blk kmpung or x...hahahahaha

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

transfomers again????

aku nk g tgk transfomers 4 d 2nd time...
tp sik full house jew..
bl la aku dpt tgk lg nih???

ms 1st time ari2 aku dpt tgk premier kt sunway..
thanks 2 chapik 4 d free tix..
aku g 4 org dengan officemate chapik..aizat n ayu...(u ols cool dude!)
punye lah xcited nk tgk premier 2 walaupon msg2 dlm wallet tgl bp hinnget jew..
the movie was very owesome!!
the sound was superb n we just cant wait 4 3rd transfomers!!!!

Here the premier tix..

p/s: chapik...klu de tix premier lebey tok harry potter ajk la aku...hahahahahaha

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Good Bye M.J....

12am,8th July...
all people around the world was give the last honor to our king of pop,
he will always be a number 1 and will never been forgotten..
RIP 4 him...
here are some pic of the touch moment at the funeral ceremony...
M.J's doughter and son.....
The most touching moments..the brother give a last word to M.J...
"I'll be there"..the best and touching song....
M.J's family hugs after the ceremony..tears of losing their 'son,brother and father'....

The last moment for M.J.....

Monday, July 6, 2009


I've got fever and bad flu last 2 days....

very2 not in good mood..huhuhu..

hope i will recover soon...
P/s: sape nk tlg aku crk tajok tok report aku?????..blur...

Monday, June 29, 2009

pissssss off.....

its been 1 month i've go thru wif lot of xperience at my office...
some r great and some very sucks!
i know la im working here as a intern..
they can ask me 2 do any work as they want
when want ask me to do work,
say politely la
x pyh suh aku cm kuli batak plak
aku x de hal langsg klu suh aku,ckp elok2 coz aku tau position aku skunk
as intern,aku kn blaja buat sm keje kt opis nih
jangan la plak main jerit2 jew..

lg 1 yg wt aku bengang,da la mntak tlg aku jg reception last friday...
tetiber de plak amoi hr nih dtg serbu aku ms pagi monday 2...

amoi: hani,why ms u jg reception, u x anta brg i?i letak brg 2 since thursday lg client still
x dpt brg 2...
aku: (motip amoi ni serang aku tetiber??)...i x tau..i just dpt 2 notes jew yg inform brg yg kene
hantar n sape person yg akan amik brg dat day...
amoi: x kn u x tau.bdk reception 2 ckp die da bgtau u kene hantar brg i mase friday 2
aku: (da mule hangin..fitnah nih...) ader!!!!die just leave me wif 2 notes!!(sore aku da naek
tande menegakkn kebenaran)...i x tau ape2 psl ur barang...d reception girl didnt tell me
anything bout ur stuff..
amoi:(dengan muke da cuak+serbe slh)..owh..she didint tell u r...its ok la...

boley????tros blah n bejalan sambil membebel sensorang...huhuhuhu

masuk nih da 2x amoi sorg nih crk pasal ngn aku..jangan pasnih,die crk psl lg ngn aku,harus aku maki die kaw2...da lew org HR..langsung x reti nk ckp elok2..da la aku ngah hangin elaun aku x dpt2 lg nih...hahahaha...
hmm,lg sakit ati aku nk g sejukkn hati..
mcm da lm x mkn ice-crem..nk g bl la..

Friday, June 26, 2009

sad news...

dis mornig,my fwen send me a msg,told that...
got 2 sad news dis morning...
our pop star, Michael Jackson n Charlis angel, Farrah Fawcett is no longer with us...
god...very shocking news..
hope they will rest in peace...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

tagged at facebook...

Go through your wall posts and list the last 21 people to post on your wall. DON'T YOU EVER CHEAT. Do not list any repeats; simply go to the next name in the list. Then answer the 42 questions pertaining to the 21 names. When you're finished, tag all 21 people on the list, so the cycle can continue. If you've been tagged, copy and paste this information into a new note and follow the directions above.

21 peoples :

1. Fizan
2. chapiq
3. Ayen
4. Pungkani
5. Nelly
6. Siti
7. Shankar
8. Anis Rakter
9. Sue
10. Kak Ya
11. Thenmoli
12. Ema
13. Sherry shakira
14. Bard
15. Mandeep
16. Rizz
17. Zarul
18. Izat
19. Hajar
20. Teekay
21. Ojie

1. How did you meet 1?Tru nonok coz dorg 1 umah..

2. What would you do if you never met 14?macam biase

3. Would you date 2?Aiyakk!!pitam***

4. Have you ever seen 8 cry?never meet her b4 lor..

5. Would 3 and 13 make a good couple?lessy ke apeh???

6. Describe officemate yg sm2 prctical.very kind and baeeekkk sgt..

7. Do you like 11?she's my classmate...very kind and do help for my assigment

8. Do you think 6 is attractive?muke 'manis'...boley??

9. When was the last time you talked to 19?last exam sem lepas..about 2 month ago..

10. Would you ever date 7?hahahaha...nti bini die bunuh aku nti..hahahaha

11. what do you like about 15?seorang kawan yg baek n slalu membantu ketike dlm kesusahan..motip aku puji???blanjew aku yer Mandeep coz aku ngh promote ko..hahahaha

12. Do you love number 6?she's my friend...

13. What would you like to tell 18 right now?nok!!!windu gler kt ang!!!!nangesss ajork!!!hahahaha

14. What is the best thing about 10?my lovely cazen..very kind and slalo blanjew comin elaun mau blnjew die plak..glupp..pokai aku!!!hahahahaha

15. Have you ever kissed 11??weih!!!igt aku lessy kew???

16. What's the best memory you have of 3?giler2 rumaje time skolah..we ols very notty..

17. When is the next time you are going to see 12?ntah...mase konvo nti kowt..huhuhuhu

18. Is 2 pretty?yeah!!!very2 'pretty'....

19. What was your first impression of 14?Emo....

20. Is 13 your bestfriends?just know her thru my friends....

21. Have you seen 16 in the last month?nope...last meet at last final exam..

22. When was the last time you saw 14?last 2 month...

23. Have you been to 21's house?nope...weh!!!ajak r aku dtg umah ko jie...hahahaha

24. When is the next time you'll see 10?she's now in front of time,when i wake up coz she sleep beside me...hahahaha

25. Are you really close to 1?my BFF kan kakak!!!

27. Have you ever been to 17's house?nope...

28. Do you know a secret about 5?eerrrmmm?????

29. Describe the relationship between 14 and 19?finance student...

30. What's your friendship like with 8?facebook fwens..

31. Have you ever danced with 18?yew kowt..bkn takat dance..menyangkung,melantak,mendajalkn org,merapu,mencar&*t,meloncat...banyak lg we ols wt sm2..

32. How do you know 21?my x housemate..

33. Have you ever wanted to punch 4 in the face?how could i???

34. Has 11 ever met your mother?nope....

35. Have you traveled anywhere with 12?g makan beramai2 ke jeram for seafood...huhuhuhu

37. What's your best memory of 17?eerrrmmm....?????

38. What is the one thing you want 4 to know?never tot we're gonna be fwenz...

39. What is the last thing you did with 9?lunch 2gether at office

40. what is 20 to u?fwen of fwen of mine..he's really cute...

41. What do you wish for 2?alwayz be my soulmate 4ever...luv u darl

Thursday, June 11, 2009


da lm x update kn..
hmm,been very buzy la lately
been try to adapt new routine in my life
quit tough,but have to faced it

br aku tau cn penatnyew keje kt opis even wt keje smbil ddk kt meje..
otak ni sbnrnye penat dok focus
ms study dl bole la wt salah coz lecturer akn tegur n fixed it
tp ms keje nih,kene wt btol2
make sure no mistake n have to focus
klu buat salah,harus kene maki ngn my colleauge

msk esok,da 2 weeks aku prctikal
banyak jugak la yg aku blaja
sometimes ssh giler keje 2
habis da org kt opis 2 pening nk aja aku
aku ni plak sejenis lembab nk paham..
klaka aku tgk dorg tahan geram ngn aku
sometimes pown aku geram gak ngn dorg 2 coz slalu push aku giler2
aku nih klu slalu kn push,lame2 bleh blur
silap2 aribulan aku plak yg ngamok kt opis 2

aku abis opis hour kol 6
smpi umh da kol 7.30..
then sgt penat n very sleepy..
nk kuar lepak2 pown x larat
sgt bowink maaa my routine
2 laa
ms study dl x sbr2 nk keje
haa...rasekan kau!!!
so skunk aku menaip smbil tahan ngantok
aku rs da nk tdo da..
later then u ols!!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


lame da x update..

i'm working now!!
realy got lots things to do...
lot things to learn..
aku ditempatkn kt department operation
company aku 2 wt bisnes stock xchange n securities
so i have 2 play with numbers everyday...huhuhuhu

have to adapt my college yg wokerholic!!!
tp sgt swonok keje kt company tu coz sentiase ade keje
so x dew la aku dok temenung..
my supervisor quit strait and perfectionist
tp die sntiase tolong aku if x paham nk buat any task..
nway,hope akn terus enjoy keje kt sn for 3 month
hope my prestasi very good n they offer me 2 work as permenant there
so x yah susah2 nk crk keje lain nti...

p/s:to my peeps..cpt2 book aku tok merase u ols belanjew urs elaun...hahahaha

Monday, May 25, 2009

Oh unisel yg dirindui.......

arini x dew ct best nak story
just esok aku akn menjejakkan kaki kembali ke unisel...
motip aku jejak kaki lg ke sana?????
bkn aku kene xtend la...
just na setle urusan jual beli tan....eh2 silap...
nak setle sal borang practikal n bayar yuran pendaftaran n utang....

aku dikehendakki setle half of my debt 2 register for my practikal..
cilake sungguh unisel nih..(oopppsss!takasar plak bahase..marah nih!)
dr start aku masuk 3 taun dl,isu duit x abis2
asik2 nk kikis duit student
dorang igt parent2 ni sm keje kt kilang duit kew???
harus nanti org yg jg counter bayar sok kene carot ngn aku
huhuhuh..x pasal2 dorg yg kene kn...

so kepade readers2 yg rs2 plan nk study kt unisel 2
cepat2 la deletekn hasrat murni 2 coz prestasi unisel yg makin mengecewakan....
eh..x baek la kn nak membantutkan hasrat murni org nk study..
ok2 kite tka nasihat....
pade sape2 yg plan nk study kt unisel 2,mari lah beramai2 memeriahkan suasana yg x berape meriah 2 n harap2 enjoy study kt sana...

p/s: pada bdk2 lame unisel yg nk crk umh sewe..AMARAN!!!!..jgn sewe umah no 221 jln baru pekan btg bejuntai...nanti deposit korang x dikembalikan kerana tuan umh(apek tue) sangat keji kerane banyak tipu helah n sangat kedekut smpai haji bakhil pown tabik kt die...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

result ku yg ado!!!!!

aku br terperasan byk entry aku start ngn 'ayoyoyo' @ 'ayooo'...
so arini nk laen ckt...


sedikit ting tong arini mybe effect dr result final yg aku dpt smlm
sangat frust...
siap tdo mnonggeng mlm td frust pny psl...
result aku x lah seteruk sampai kene repeat @ xtend..
tp x setimpal ngn usaha yg aku buat ms study week 2
aku pny la merajinkn diri yg mls nih n gigihkn diri bkak buku,g study kt library(buat bis mnyk kete jew), x tdo(thanx 2 cofee)...

tp nk wt cn kn
bnd da brlalu
so skunk mls nk pk da
nk fikir sal praktikal lak

****kawan2!!!jom shoping baju nk keje!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

berfikir ms cuti...

cuti aku bowsan giler
member2 aku ramai bz ngn hal msg2
aku lak x bleh kuar jauh2 coz kene setle tempat praktikal

nk kene keje plak pasni...
harus lah kan kene keje
klu x buat ape penat2 perah otak study sampai degree kn
aku banyak berfikir ms cuti nih
ape yg akan jadi pada aku 10 tahun akan dtg
ape kerjaya aku?
macam mane hidup aku?
apekah status aku..still single(andartu) or da kawen?
macam mane keluarga aku?

huh...biler fikir bande2 mcm 2..
aku jadi lagi bersemangat nak berjaya dalam hidup
aku kene kuatkan jati diri aku
aku kene belajar jadi seorang yg lebih bertanggungjawab,rajin,fokus dlm kerja,x cpt give up n macam2 lg perubahan yg positif...

aku nk achieve target hidup aku yg selame ini aku dok behangan tiap2 ari...
kerjaya yg bagus n paling penting,aku minat...
sebabnyew,biler da lame aku study,aku rs aku dah wt kesilapan pilih kos
aku kurang berminat dengan kerjaya dlm bidang finance ni
ape yg aku perlu buat sekarang,bekerja n gigihkan diri tok belajar n kumpul xperience secukupnyew...
then biler ade rezeki,aku akn ke bidang yg aku minati..
aku suke kerje2 outdoor nih cm marketing
tak terikat sangat ngn opis
dok opis sehari suntuk memang akan buat aku stress..huhuhu

then if ade rezeki,aku nk bkak business restaurant ngn family aku
parents aku da lame buat bisnes catering
ibu aku buat bl cuti coz die mmg sk sgt memasak mcm aku..
walaupon pnt keje kt opis,ibu aku sanggup amik tempahan catering coz sgt sk bidang nih
adik2 aku pown tunjuk minat yg same
adik aku kt uitm 2 plak amik kos pengurusan perhotelan n tau sal bidang memasak nih
so insyaallah klu de rezeki keluarga aku nk bkak bisnes yg we ols mnt nih

aku harap everythin going ok ms aku prctikal nti...
harus aku gigih kn diri wt report pas blk keje..huhuhu
1 weeks more..
new enviroment...
new people...
new experience...
i just cant wait!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


cuaca skrg nih sanagt2lah panas yg amat...
br 10 second mandi da bepeluh blk..
sanagat terok skrg effect dr global warming
tp aku rs makin panas plak sejak earth hour day 2 ...hiks2

so skunk sm org kene aware ngn kegiatan2 seharian bagi mengurangkn suhu yg makin panas nih
ngah panas2 nih sure lew org dok pasanag air cond sgale kn
sm corok kt umh abis dok pasang air cond
smpai de yg sanggup dok dlm kete jew coz nk air cond
penggunaan air cond gak membantu penipisan ozon n secare langsung membantu bagi peningkatan suhu
so kurang2kan lah pengunaan air cond..
rajin2 lew korg kipas diri sendiri..(klu nk lg sejuk,pki kipas satay 2)..huhuhu

lg 1 bende yg aku sngt2 x suke..
pembakaran terbuke..
bengong sungguh aku tgk org rmi still denngan sewonoknyew bakar sampah time pns2 nih
pastu bleh plak merungut sane sini dok kate panas segale kn
dengan asap segale buat org sesak nafas,
baju aku dok sidai 2 bau asap..ssh aku pakai downy tau nk ksk wangi baju2 aku 2....
hampeh jew bl pki org dok kate aku bau asap..kene lah dok sembur perfume byk2..

banyak lg sebenarnyew kegiatan2 yg bleh effect global warming nih
org ramai harus bkak mate skunk coz bnd nih sm bleh effect keselamatn bumi kite nih
agaknyew dorg sm x tau lg bencana ape yg bakal kite hadapi if keadaan cmni berterusan...(mls nk type..korg google sndiri k pe effect die)
so lets take an action 2 save our earth....

Saturday, May 9, 2009


4 Thingsss....

1. hani
2. honey
3. umma
4. hanikok

1. my bufday
2. my family members bufday
3. my fwenssss bufday
4. merdeka day coz cuti...hiks2

1. updating blog
2. watch drama at astro...gosh!cute gler pelakon dier...
3. checking my facebook,myspace n friendster
4. supper

1. happy to be with my fwensss
2. happy and appreciate the people around u who loves you
3. happy dpt makan banyak n sedap
4. happy bl dapat shoping without limits...wink*

1. i phone
2. viao laptop
3. good jobs
4. new car

1. i like to shop when i have the drive and crave (bad hobby)
2. dreaming..hehehe
3. lepak2 with my peeps
4. surf internet

1. Krabi island..(plan for my 5th salary..hiks2)
2. Egypt
3. New York
4. Makkah...(wajib!)

1. teh o
2. strawbery
3. guava
4. coke

1. pack of tissue
2. wallet
3. perfume
4. lip gloss

1. white
2. red
3. black
4. blue

1. mamak rules!hahaha
2. cyber world
3. bukit bintang area
4. mcd

Person :
1. My parents
2. My friends
3. My family
4. Myself

Things :
1. my car
2. my laptop
3. my shoess
4. my shades

1. My memories
2. My youth
3. My peeps
4. my family


1. bowink
2. x dew bnd nk wat
3. x ngantok lg
4. saje2

Thursday, May 7, 2009

been tag at facebook....

my fren,Fizan tag me at facebook......

- Tell 100 Truths
- Tag 20 people after
- They do the same back to you

1. Last beverage → sarsi
2. Last phone call → my sis..tny brg2 nk beli tok msk macaroni
3. Last text message → Syam
4. Last song you listened to → tylor story...
5. Last time you cried → when saw my bestfren cried coz her in 'big trouble'


1. Dated someone twice → yeah
2. Been cheated on? → yeah...but not so lucky..kantoi!!!
3. Cheated someone else? → yeah..shame of myself..
4. Lost someone special? → my late grandparents
5. Been depressed? → of course!alwayzzz...
6. Been drunk and threw up? → no komen

LIST FOUR FAVORITE COLORS: black,white,blue n red

1. Made new friends → yeah
2. Fallen out of love → used to
3. Laughed until you cried → yeah...last week when i fall from bumbung kete wanie...hiks..
4. Met someone who changed you → havent yet.
5. Found out who your true friends were → eventually...
6. Found out someone was talking about you → sure...ade aku kesah????
7. Kissed anyone on your friend's list → nope
8. How many people on your friend's list do you know in real life → ramaiii
9. How many kids do you want to have → eerrrmmm...takut beranak..
10. Do you have any pets → none
11. Do you want to change your name → dont think so
12. What did you do for your last birthday → ntah..blur..
13. What time did you wake up today → 1.30 pm coz sgt2 hot...if not,mau 4pm..hik2
14. What were you doing at midnight last night → read blogssss
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for → place for internship...any vacancies???
16. Last time you saw your father → 10 second ago
17. One thing you wish you could change about your life→ xcially more than 1...boley???
18. What are you listening to right now → boom boom pow by black eyes peas
19. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → ermmm...x kowt
20. What's getting on your nerves right now? → result my last sem n place for internship
21. Most visited webpages → facebook,blogspot,jobstreet

1. What's your name → Umma Hani Bt Abdul Salam
2. Nicknames → hani..uma..hanikok..along..

3. Relationship Status → single...
4. Zodiac sign → Taurus/Gemini...confius coz date in the midle..
5. Male or female or transgendered → originally female k...
6. Elementary → Taski An-Nur....islamic sgt...baju caler ijau lg..
7. Middle School – SKUR
8. High school → SDSR
10. Hair color → black + mission buang karat.nk all black..huhuhu
11. Long or short → long
16. Height → 165cm..ketot ajork
17. Do you have a crush on someone? → yes!miss him...agagaga
18: What do you like about yourself? – a lot!...
19. Piercings → 7...hik2
20. Tattoos → nooooooo...sakit kowt!
21. Righty or lefty → righty


22. First surgery → nope
23. First piercing → dajah 6 kowt
24. First best friends → dajah 5...
26. First sport you joined → lari dalam guni mase tadika
27. First pet → none
28. First vacation and when→ x hingat lew...
29. First concert → concert?ermm...not mistaken...the moffats
30. First crush → not mistaken dajah 3 kowt..kecik2 da gatal kn...hik2


49. Eating → macaroni
50. Drinking → sarsi
52. I'm about to → wash my hair
53. Listening to → halo by beyonce
55. Waiting for → calling that i've got place for my internship


58. Want kids? → of course!!!nk pragnant but dont want deliver...boley??
59. Want to get married? → nakkkk!!!x mo da tue2 idp sowg2..huhuhuh
60. Careers in mind? → i really dont knowwwwwww


68. Lips or eyes → eyes...sepet ckit lg comey kowt
69. Hugs or kisses → hugs with full of love..............start behangan da...
70. Shorter or taller → not shorter than me lew..ketot sgt 2
71. Older or Younger → x mo tue sgt...
72. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous.....romantic2 nih bowink lew
73. Nice stomach or nice arms → both!
74. Sensitive or loud → eerrmm....
75. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
76. Trouble maker or hesitant→ hesitant


78. Kissed a stranger → noo
79. Drank hard liquor → nOoooo o_0
80. Lost glasses/contacts → contacts appear when woke up next morning..tot already missing..
81. Sex on first date → laaa
82. Broken someone's heart → no komen...
83. Had your own heart broken → yeah..once..eerrmm..twice...
86. Turned someone down → de kowt..hiks2
87. Cried when someone died → of coz la...x kn nk wt tarian zapin sgale time org mati...
88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → str8 k...hahahaha


89. Yourself → i believe i can fly.....
90. Miracles → yups!!last hope..
91. Love at first sight → yeah..
92. Heaven → yeah...
93. Santa Clause → no
95. Kissing on the first date? → yeeeaaaahhhh....hahahaha
96. Angels → as in malaikat???have 2..


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → yeah..sshhhh!!!
98. Who is it? – someone i already miss...behangan sat...comeynyew die...hik2
99. Had boyfriend/girlfriend for a day? → nope
100. Posting this as 100 Truths? →yea yea yea.

panjang btol...penat nk jawab leh...

Monday, May 4, 2009

At last....

d time that i've been waiting for 3 years...
i'm finish my study..
not officially coz result blom kuar(tkowt de paper kantoi..choy!)
and still have prctical for next 3 month...
if everything going ok n my parent settle up my fees
i will convo this November...

rase sedih sgt nk tgl unisel yg tlampau byk sgt memories..
byk yg aku belajar bout life sepanjang aku study..
belajar cn nk bajet belanje(even slalu gak over budget)..,
time management(tetap msk class lmbt n slalu pnteng class),
cn nk urus diri(dl x pnh bsh baju sndiri..thanx 2 laundry shop 2..hik2),
cn nk deal prob n stress,...n many more..

i will miss UNISEL...
thanx because makes me an educated person and give me chance 2 get my DEGREE in BACHELOR OF FINANCE!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

keje giler......

aku blk2 dr exam ptg td,
tgk kwsn kejiranan aku penoh asap..
jiran2 sume dok kuar dari umh msg2 tmasuk housemate2 aku...
rope2nyew...jbtn kesihatan ngh FOGING!!!
abis dalam2 umh segale dorg nk sembur asap 2
padan moke nyamok2 sekelian
sp suh korg bawak pnyakit kn...
so aku n housemate2 lepak2 dlm kete coz nk lari dr asap laha 2..
bile da rede,we ols pon msk la dlm umh...
1 umh melekit u ols!!!!
geli geleman aku nk pijak lantai..
bau pown azab giler...(smpi skunk kol 2.00 am still de bau asap 2 lg k)

so aku n housemate2 plan nk g diner kt lua coz x dew selere nk mkn kt umh dengan bau yg membantutkan selere...
2nite we ols g diner kt Mali Bunga raya kt danau kote...
gigih u ols just bcoz bdk2 nih teringin nk mkn char kuew teow....
aku pown arini melantak abis coz 1 ari suntuk blom mkn lg...
pas cuci2 mate kt tmpt mkn 2, we ols rayau2 around KL smbl coci mate..
hampe coz x rmi sgt jejants can do mlm nih tok ditatap..
then we ols tros decide blk umh jew coz msg2 cm bowsan plus x dork idea nk g mn n buat ape..

ngah otw blk 2, dtg plak idea giler aku...
suh wanie bkak sliding bumbung kete die..
so aku n bdk2 nih bdiri n feeling2 ratu melambai ke arah org ramai
ade plak yg feeling2 titanic gak... nk smpi kt umh,
aku nk bediri blk tok jerit kt org2 kedai mkn dkt umh aku 2


nsb baik aksi aku 2 x mndatangkn kecederaan pada diri ku mahupon orang2 yg di hempap oleh aku...
ia berkat dr sedikit penurunan berat badan ketike exam week
lawak giler coz we ols sume gelak smpai nk pecah pewot nih...
jatoh yg paling vouge penah aku alami coz de 'pelampung' yg standby...(thanx 2 nadia n jee..korg memang pelampung yg empuk)

mmg best kuar mlm nih coz dpt release tension we ols ms exam nih....
so hope mood study kembali bekobar2 4 my last paper..
go gurl!!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I want cake!!!

tetiber trase nk mkn my faberet cake...
CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY from secret recipe.....

last mkn ms we ols diner ramai2 b4 start final ari2 kt
Pak Li Shah Alam..

time nih best sgt coz da lame x lepak ramai2 cmni...
yg x pat join ari 2,wani coz time 2 still dlm train dr seremban,
eja coz de hal n fizan coz die kt miri.
best lg coz syam ade coz die nk g Unisel tok setle borang gred die...
hmm,ntah bl lg kt bleh kumpul rmi2 cmni kn u ols...


awat aku mls sangat nkstudy nih??
da la paper esowk susah gler..
5 chapter lak 2 kene cover..

hmm,da last sem ni,mood study da kurang
dlm pale otak ni just ank abis cepat, then MERDEKA!!!
i just can't wait for that moment...
nak pecah lobang nok2 nih..
nk mintak maap kt mber2 coz blom tentu jmp lg pasni..
(da mcm ari ghaye plak)..

ayooo..rase ngntok plak tetiber coz br pas brekfast+lunch+diner..
mls nk g bl mkn,aku msk arini..
yeah!i love cooking..
but lately jrg giler2 masak coz dont have enough time
arini terase nk mkn msk kmpg
aku msk ikan bilis goreng cili api cmpur kentang
peerrggghhh..terangkat abis coz PEDAS GILER!!!
cian aku tgk housemate aku mnikmati kelazatan smbil nangis kepedasan..

Friday, April 24, 2009

takin' back my love.....

Love this song plus Enrique's very hot!!
Go ahead, just leave
Can't hold you, you're free
You take all these things
If they mean so much to you
I gave you your dreams
Cause you meant the world
So did I deserve to be left here hurt
You think I don't know, you're out of control
I ended up finding all of this from my boys
Girl, you're stone cold, you say it ain't so
You already know I'm not attached to material

I'd give it all up, but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much, but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love, my love...

Yeah, what did I do but give love to you
I'm just confused as I stand here and look at you
From head to feet, all that's not me
Go 'head, keep the keys, that's not what I need from you
You think that you know (I do), you've made yourself cold (Oh yeah)
How could you believe them over me, I'm your girl
You're out of control (So what?!), how could you let go (Oh yeah)
Don't you know I'm not attached to material

Both Chorus:
I'd give it all up, but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much, but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love, my love
I'd give it all up, but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much, but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love, my love...

So all this love I give you, take it away (Uhh, uh huh)
You think material's the reason I came (Uhh, uh huh)
If I had nothing would you want me to stay (Uhh, uh huh)
You keep your money, take it all away

Both Chorus:
I'd give it all up, but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much, but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love
I'd give it all up, but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much, but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love
I'd give it all up, but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much, but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love...

Aku bowsan...

bowsan gler mlm nih
member ajk tgk movie,tapi aku mls gler nk drive
aku de lagi 2 paper
tapi mlm nih nk rest n tido puas2 sblm smbg stdy esowk
aku br pas korek2 picture dlm lptop nih
banyak kenangan ngan member2
sedih plk tetiber coz da nk abis study ni
x dpt lg lepak2 mcm slalo
hmm,trase plak nk story sal kenkawan aku ms study nih

Syafique a.k.a adam radlan

He's my BFF!
die la tmpt aku mengadu,my advisor,my dictionary..ooppsss!hahaha
he is so sweet and orang yg paling memahami aku..
we ols pantang jumpe,sure becerite x hengat donia
tambah2 plak die nih mmg suke becerite(tau la kt skola dl join pidato)
nway,hope prsahabatan we ols akan kekal selamenye..
luv u darl!!

Intan a.k.a Lissa

aku kawan ngn die dari 1st day aku jejak kaki kt Unisel
die housemate@roomate aku da 3 taun
macam2 suasane yg we ols da lalui bsame
wlapon ego n kepale angin we ols ni same2 tinggi
alhamdulillah we ols msh lagi bekawan
luv u babe!

Wanie a.k.a kakak

Nih housemate @ classmate aku
g kls ngn die,blk kls ngn die,merayau ngn die,jln2 crk mkn pown ngn die
seorg yg sangat tegas tapi sangat baek hati
klu time gile die dtg,lagi gler die dr org2 kt tanjg rambutan 2..huhuhu
harap akan jd 'kakak'(wlaupon sebaye) aku selamenyew coz we ols dok 1 nogori
luv u kakak!

syam a.k.a beyonce and izat a.k.a zeti

they are my lil bro!!
aku anggap da mcm adik aku sndiri coz aku x dew adik lelaki
dorg ni mmg suke wt aku gelak besa sbb tgk dorg tgelak
dorg nih klu bab gossip,mmg diva
cter 1 unisel sm dlm poket dorg..huhuhu
syam skrg da keje n izat still continues degree kt unisel
hey!if korg lupe aku,aku sekeh pale u ols tau!
luv u guys!!!

Sala a.k.a sayang

she also my bestfwen @ classmate
aku kenal die dr 1st sem lg until now
slalu tlg signkn attendnt aku bl mls g class
perangai sometimes gler2 lebih dr aku
sangat baek hati n sabar ngn perangai pemalas aku nih lg2 time wt esemen
luv u syg!

apish a.k.a nelly

aku kenal apish thru intan
suke dgr die ckp loghat penang
familiar word "pereng"...hahaha
die ni de 1 habit,wlau mcm mn pown die ketike 2,
if nk snap picture,die akn wat 1 adegan meneutralkn mimik muke
very2 funny k
luv u nellyana atira..oopppsss!tcarot u ols...hahahaha

amir a.k.a mama

cyomel sgt kan!!hahaha
sgt sporting,klaka tahap gaban,
kalau becerite,1 kurun pown x abis..
sgt caring member2 ala2 mama gitew
sechomel-comel die nih,sangat takowt gelap k..
penakot smpi ms kt umh aku,suh temen gi toilet..Bole!!
1 more thing,die nih arkib ngare..
sgt tau sal isu semase n gossip terhangat kt Unisel
luv u mama!!

mezee a.k.a mijot

my lil bro!!
die nih sangat2 lah pendiam orgnyew
laletly da banyak mulut ckt n asik nk carot org jew
very addicted 2 gadget..
klu mls nk mkn,sanggup g kedai just beli tomato n mkn mcm epal(diet org kedekut)
luv u bro!

fizan a.k.a bunga cinta lestari

die da gred n now kt kmpg die kt miri
windu die sgt
very sporting,slumber and very geli ngn reptilia..hahaha
addicted 2 lenses..(gigih oder dr korea)
luv u kak cinta!

Zaza, Ndut, Eila, Jie, Kak Nor, Intan, Wani

My housemate!!
Dorang nih mmg giler tahap gaban
mcm2 bnd giler we ols da buat
karoke smpai auntie dpn umh ngamuk pakai penyapu,(karoke 2 a.m)mane x ngamok pmpuan tue 2...
we ols pnh gi beli ice cream n ronde2 BJ naek van Rusa dipandu oleh wanie seramai 8 orang (telebih muatan k)
we ols penah lawan pantun dengan jiran sebelah and menghanjing sesame jiran coz masing2 memekak time org study tok final,
we ols penah main bunge api n mercun attack umh jiran2
we ols penah tido sebilik 8 orang coz ms 2 masing2 takowt coz umh we ols dikunjungi "makhluk misteri"...huhuhuhu..scary u ols kak pon dtg ghaye...
byk lg bnd giler we ols pnh wt...
u ols mmg best!!!!
luv ya'll!!!

Kib, Srah, Wawa, Sala, Ajah, Lela

They r my classmate..
also giler2 as my other friends (aku mmg sk kwn org2 giler)
Rajin study sambil gossip..
Suke bg gelaran kt org2 sekeliling...
lecturer biz.math aku dorg pgl datuk K.....
Bdk kurus kering + poyo kt kelas aku dorg pgl olivia(bini popaye)
Pasnih mst ssh nk jmp dorg coz masing2 akn lik ke kmpg halamn..
im going 2 miss u ols!
luv ya'll

hmm,ni la wajah2 yg mghiasi hidup aku sepanjang aku study kt Unisel
they are very loyal and always be with me no matter what
p/s : guys!!! u ols superb!!!sayang u ols!!!!